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All your own work?

All works must be original. We will not accept photographs, copies of other artists work or prints (other than original lino cuts, screen prints or mono prints)

If you have used a photograph  or image other than your own as a basis for your creation, then written permission from the photographer  or image maker must accompany your submission.


Frequently asked questions

What happens when your work sells?

On sale of your work, you will be paid 75% of whatever price you have asked us to display AFTER our commission is deducted.. see more below. 

On the sale of a framed picture, artists will be contacted by telephone, so that members have the opportunity to replace the work.

How do I join?

Attend our submission days in February. If you can't make those, email us for an appointment to join. We will check your work meets our terms and conditions and take you through our paperwork

full data protection policy

General Data Protection Regulation
Coquetdale Arts Centre Gallery and Studio Privacy Statement

About us

Coquetdale Arts Centre Gallery and Studio (Coquetdale Art Gallery) is a Rothbury, Northumberland- based Registered charity which exists to further the Art and Craft of local people.

What data we will collect

When you become a member of the Gallery we will collect certain information about you which will include your name, telephone number, email address and postcode.

Why we will collect it

We will collect and process your data for the purposes of administering your involvement with the Gallery and we will process it on the basis of legitimate interests. The legitimate interests are the interests of registering you as a member of Coquetdale Arts Centre Gallery and Studio and administering the Gallery

How long we will keep it

We will retain your data for one year. If you join the Coquetdale Art Gallery during the year your data will be retained for less than one year. If you resign as a member of the Gallery your data will be removed within one month of your resignation.

Your rights

You have the following rights under data protection legislation:
1. to access a copy of the information comprised in your personal data;

2. to object to processing of your personal data that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress;

3. to prevent processing for direct marketing;
4. to object to decisions being taken by automated means;

5. in certain circumstances, to have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and

6. to seek redress for a breach of data protection legislation.

Sharing your data

We will not share your data with any other organisation without your consent.


If you have any complaints about how Coquetdale Arts Centre Gallery and Studio collects and/or processes your personal data, you should contact the Gallery Membership Secretary in the first instance,  via the Gallery email address. If you are dissatisfied with how your concern/complaint is dealt with by Coquetdale Arts Centre Gallery and Studio, you have the right to report your concern/complaint to the Information Commissioners Office (

Privacy Policy

We will collect your name, email address, postcode and type of membership from a paper membership form, filled in and signed by you on submissions day , each year in February.

If you wish to see a copy of the data we hold on you, amend it or have it deleted, you should email your request to

We undertake to action your request within one calendar month of receiving it. We may use your personal information for a number of purposes including to:


  1. Deal with your requests and enquiries (email, telephone)

  2. Notify you of meetings, events and provide other information relating the Coquetdale Art Gallery's core activities (email)

  3. Remind you when Collection days and Submissions days are due (email)

  4. Send you information and remittance of sales (post)


If you do not wish your email address to be used in this way you should email

The data we collect on you is stored electronically in a database in encrypted format. The data from paper membership forms is transferred to the database and the original form is securely destroyed. No method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Membership 2025

The annual subscription fee £35 is payable on registration or renewal of your membership.


Download a useful form and get your paperwork ready before you arrive at the Gallery. WE will give you a submission number for each item of work you submit.


Terms & Conditions document

Membership form

Bank details form for new members

Framed art 'to be hung' submission form

Browser submission form

Cards submission form

Crafts submission form

Exhibiting in the Coquetdale Art Gallery - Terms and Conditions 2025

You must be a paid up Member of the Coquetdale Art Gallery to submit artwork and all submissions must be of saleable quality and fit for purpose. The quantity of work each member can submit is reviewed annually and the Committee reserves the right to alter the allocation, detailed in Terms of Submission, during the year if necessary. Members are usually local, or have a strong local connection and able to collect and deliver their work. By joining the Coquetdale Art Gallery you agree to abide by all the Terms and Conditions and Terms of Submission.


Accidental Damage. Coquetdale Art Gallery agrees to make good any accidental damage caused by handling by our Volunteer Custodians or Committee Members, to items on display. Should an item be beyond repair, payment will be made as though the item had been sold (75% of price) Fragile work and work with a high set price may be refused by the Gallery Manager.

Custodians All members are entitled and welcome to join our list of Volunteer Custodians and help sell members work. Training is given in dealing with record keeping of members sales and handling artwork.

Disputes. By joining the Coquetdale Art Gallery you agree not to bring the Gallery into disrepute. Any Members dispute or grievance must be in written form and discussed by the Committee. Any decision proving unsatisfactory to the Member will be dealt with by the Trustees whose adjudication will be final.

Lifting and Submissions. Members are required to remove their work each year, (usually in January) and to submit new work on rejoining (usually February). Joining and submitting AFTER the submission days is done by emailing for an appointment. Replacing one sold painting or dropping off labelled and priced crafts can be done when the gallery is open.

Quality of Work. Coquetdale Art Gallery reserves the right to decline acceptance of any work deemed to be dangerous, offensive, or contravening Copyright law. The Gallery undertakes to exhibit ALL works received which comply with the Terms and Conditions and Terms of Submission. Your work must be able to withstand conditions in the Gallery and in a heated domestic house. Fragile work or work with

a high set price may be refused by the Gallery Manager.

Pricing. Members are required to price work on submission to Coquetdale Art Gallery. Members will be paid 75% of the displayed price for all work sold. Everything the Gallery sells will be priced in WHOLE pounds. Minimum price for a Craft item or one card, or pack of cards is £2. Our policy is that prices, once set, are not negotiable.

Payments. Members are required to price everything on submission and will be paid 75% of the displayed price for all work sold. Payments will be made by BACS to the members account.

Payment dates will be: Payment due of £100 or more - paid at the end of the month of sale. Payment due between £50 & £99.99 - paid at end of July

Payment due less than £50 – paid after Gallery closes in December.
Note that the above amounts refer to the actual payments due less commission, and not the price of your work.

Members who have not furnished account details will be paid by cheque in December 2025

Regular Newsletter. All members are sent a newsletter by email to the address you provide on your membership form. Members need to read the newsletter to check and make note of Collection Days dates, Submission days dates, Gallery opening and closing dates and any changes to allocation necessary throughout the year. Your email address is used for necessary communication by the Gallery to you and is not shared in any way. Your personal information is not stored and is destroyed each year

Submission of Artwork - Terms

All work submitted to the Coquetdale Art Gallery will be issued with a submission number cross referenced to your name. This will be added by the gallery AFTER you have filled in the appropriate form for your work. These forms are for Cards, Craft, Framed Paintings, Unframed paintings or prints (Browser). You only fill in the columns requested on the top of the form.

You are entitled to remove your work from the gallery at any time BUT you must ensure it is marked as WITHDRAWN (W) on your submission sheet.


Framed Art to be Hung. THREE original artworks are allowed provided each has a maximum size of 4 sq.ft.

For the 2025 season we intend to try using the stairwell for the benefit of some of our artists who like to paint bigger than 4 sq ft per picture. Big pictures make a good statement as folk come up the stairs, so.......

If that is you, you are welcome to submit ONE work of more than 4 sq feet ( which will hang in the stairwell, useful if you could add mirror fixings please) and also two others within the 4 sq ft rule. (We will have a supply of mirror fixings if you don't have any but if you have it is a help)

If you are content to paint within the 4 sq ft limit then you can still bring three of up to that size to hang in the gallery Normal fittings only required.

We do not accept framed reproduction prints (other than original lino cuts, screen prints or mono prints) Paintings must be presented ready for hanging (see framed art). Frames must be free from chips and scratches, mounts if used, should be professionally cut and spotless; no dust or finger marks. Use taut picture cord only, one third from the top. (We will not accept wire, string, photo frames, central hangers). Tape the back with brown self adhesive framing tape. (We will not accept masking tape, sellotape, electrical tape, parcel tape etc). Label your painting with your name, the title and the medium on the back. Unframed stretched canvas with well presented edges are acceptable. The stretched canvas should be of good quality, wrapped round the frame and stapled at the back, not the sides. On the sale of a framed picture, artists will be contacted by telephone, so that members have the opportunity to replace the work.

Unframed Art to be displayed in browsers. FIVE items may be displayed in the browsers at any one time. All browser items must be properly mounted and packed in cellophane (not cling film. Cellophane is available at the Gallery) and must have a RIGID back board to keep them from bending. Label the back of the work with your name, title of work, media, eg print, watercolour (and frame size, for customers). Reproduction prints of your own original work are allowed.

Crafts. TEN 3D items of craft are allowed at any one time. Please label all crafts with your name and description. Only single items of craft are counted as items for submission with the following exceptions: obvious pairings such as salt and pepper: sets of more than two must be small and not larger in size and number than a set of 4 coasters, pre packaged as a set in some way. Identical larger objects such as two bowls or two glasses are deemed by us to be individual items of craft and not a set. Craft will usually be original, three dimensional items, intended to be worn, used practically or decoratively. (Framed Art and stretched canvases will not be accepted as crafts. They can be submitted under the Framed Art allocation). If Members wish to submit craft items larger than will fit on a Gallery small table, their allocation will be reduced at the discretion of the Gallery Manager. Crafts will be presented and displayed by the Gallery. If you provide your own stands and packaging, they must be compact, professional and be approved by the Gallery Manager.

Cards. TWENTY cards with envelopes presented either separately or in packs are permitted at any one time. For example, a pack of 4 cards is four of your allocation. You cannot have 20 packs of 4 cards.

• Each card or pack should be covered in transparent wrap or bag and sealed.
• The minimum price for a card or pack must be £2. All prices must be in whole pounds.

Website. Members are entitled to have their profiles and examples of their work displayed on the Coquetdale Art Gallery Website Email a short biography to Attach up to 3 images at any one time cropped, in focus, TITLED. If you have not rejoined by May of that year your work will be removed from the website. Coquetdale Art Gallery has a Google Business entry and a Trip Advisor page which we manage. We ask members to NOT post pictures of their own work in these areas. Google will remove images “not of the Gallery” at our request. Visitors are not allowed to take photographs inside the gallery.

Stairwell and Studio. Members are entitled to request to book the Studio Exhibition space for 8 weeks at a fee of £30. (subject to revision at AGM 2025) The studio can be booked for art activities at a discount. 

© 2025 Coquetdale Art Gallery. Proudly created with 

Coquetdale Art Gallery, Court Buildings, Front Street, Rothbury, Northumberland, NE65 7TZ Registered Charity 511897

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